General rental conditions

1. Delivery, use and return of equipment

  • Decorverhuurr Location (abbreviated as F.L) is not responsible for damage to the equipment during transport if it is carried out by the lessee or by a carrier designated by him.
  • The equipment rented will be collected and returned by the tenant to the following address: Quai de Mariemont 56 to 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean within the prescribed time limits.
  • F.L. cannot be held responsible for any damage to the customer's vehicle when loading the equipment.
  • F.L declines all responsibility in the event of an accident or theft that may occur when the equipment is picked up or returned.
  • In case of any changes in the order, F.L. cannot be held responsible for any delays caused by this change.
  • Any equipment broken, lost, stolen or damaged by personnel outside F.L. will be invoiced at its replacement value (list of replacement value can be downloaded at this address: ...).
  • The tenant undertakes to take all necessary measures to receive the rented equipment.
  • Unless otherwise expressly agreed and written, our rentals are planned and agreed for a single period of use, it being understood that F.L reserves the right to keep the equipment available the day before the day agreed for such use.
  • The lessee undertakes to collect and deliver the rented equipment himself or by a carrier of his choice at the times agreed with F.L. and this, at the latest on the day following the day of its use.
  • Any delay in the return of the rented equipment so agreed will automatically result in a surcharge of 50% calculated on the total price of the rental

2. Receipt of material

  • We kindly ask our customers to check the equipment both at the time of pick-up and at the time of return.
  • Unless observations are made in writing, the rented equipment is considered to have been delivered by F.L in perfect condition. It must be returned in the same condition and reconditioned in the same way.
  • Consequently, the lessee is responsible in particular for any loss of or damage to the equipment, including, but not limited to, breakage, theft, any act of vandalism, strike, the use of products or food, poor conditions of use, washing, maintenance, storage, transport, laundry burns, scratches and any damage caused by the use of scrapers (jex or iron wool...), etc.
  • If the lessee wishes to have any observation made in his presence with regard to the equipment when it is taken or returned, he must inform our staff. In this case, the parties agree on the day and time for this contradictory verification to be carried out, including when the equipment is taken back. If the lessee fails to appear at the meeting agreed by both parties, if he returns the rented equipment after the agreed term or if the equipment cannot be checked according to the terms agreed by mutual agreement, F.L. shall draw up alone the inventory of the returned equipment with the valuation of the losses and damages for which the lessee is responsible. The said valued inventory binding the parties.
  • Due to stock availability requirements, F.L. is not required to provide the lessee with equipment that is perfectly identical to the previous order.

3. Responsibilities

  • The tenant is responsible for any damage caused to the rented equipment from the time it is taken until it is returned to F.L.
  • The rented equipment remains the exclusive property of F.L and may under no circumstances be transferred in any way. The lessee may not under any circumstances sublease or lend the lessor's items to others.
  • F.L. cannot be held liable under any condition for improper use of the equipment.
  • No transformation or modification may be made to the equipment.
  • The materials can only be used with the accessories provided by us. Any nail, staple, pin, sticker, paint applied to the equipment are considered as a deterioration which will be charged.

4. Invoicing

  • The tenant subject to V.A.T is required to indicate his registration number when ordering.
  • When the rented equipment is taken over, the lessee or his mandatary will pay F.L or his attendant a guarantee in cash or by credit card.
  • Depending on the quantity rented, F.L. reserves the right to request a guarantee of two and a half times the amount of the rental reduced to the upper or lower decimal point. If F.L. does not receive this amount in its entirety, it is entitled to refuse the delivery of the rented equipment.
  • The guarantee will only be returned to the tenant after the tenant has fully performed all his obligations.
  • Any order will be confirmed by full payment of the order.
  • In case of cancellation within 7 days before the start of the rental period, F.L. is entitled to invoice the totality of the rental price except in exceptional circumstances left to the discretion of F.L. (e. g. death, etc.) with however an amount of 50€ for the administrative costs. In case of cancellation of the order 7 days before the start date of the rental, F.L is entitled to charge half of the rental price.
  • For any modification of the order 48 hours before the delivery of the goods, F.L. reserves the right to apply additional charges to meet the request.
  • F.L does under no circumstances take back the items sold (carpets, candles, paper towels, etc.).
  • Any equipment ordered and not used is invoiced in its entirety.
  • 5. Taking back the rented equipment

  • The tenant undertakes to return the equipment in its original packaging and free of any food. The equipment should be grouped in one place. The equipment must be reconditioned in the right way by type and quantity in its original container or bag. Items such as towels will be delivered in packs of 10. Tablecloths and fleeces must be dry, free of all waste and folded back. Any item that cannot be reused due to cigarette burns, extreme soiling, mould will be charged at its replacement value. If necessary, cleaning costs depending on the items will be charged to the customer.
  • For any additional work imposed on F.L. by the non-respect of these rules will result in an additional charge of 50 € per hour.

6. Payment

  • Invoices are payable in full payment unless otherwise agreed. Any invoice not paid on the due date shall automatically and without any formal notice bear interest of 12% per year solely due to the non-payment of an invoice on its due date. In case of non-payment on the due date, the invoice amount will be increased by a flat-rate and irreducible compensation of 20%, with a minimum of 125 €, without any summons or formal notice.
  • Any dispute between the parties is governed exclusively by Belgian law and falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Brussels.
  • We also reserve the right to notify the public authorities (Police) in the event of non-delivery of the material on the date on which the material is to be delivered.
  • In case of complaints and to be admissible, complaints must be sent by registered mail within 5 working days of receipt of the order to the following address: Rue de Bonne 101, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean.
  • The possible nullity of all or part of a clause contained in these general terms and conditions shall not entail any consequences as to the validity of the other clauses and the legal transaction to which they relate.